A Thanksgiving Prayer

Lord of all blessings,
Thank You for our Old St. Mary’s Family:
For forming it so many years ago
and guiding it to be all it is today,
Giving it Families, Friends and Fellowship with so many others
Giving it hard working parishioners and staff,
Giving it a School filled with faith and inquisitive minds –
Students, dedicated faculty, staff and volunteers.

On this Thanksgiving Day give blessings to each and every one,
Blessings for good health and peaceful relationships,
Blessings for healing for loved ones lost,
Blessings for safe travels and
Warm Family Gatherings.

Most of all, in all things and all ways
May they know your presence gracious God,
Father, Son & Holy Spirit
And ALL your love!

Thank You for being you!
Be blessed this Thanksgiving Day!

Fr. Brad Schoeberle, CSP